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Will the 50 year warranty be honored if I move to a different country?

I am considering buying a T8 Black, but I'm not sure if it will be covered by warranty when I move house. The warranty page says to contact the local distributor, but I don't know if that is the distributor local to where the machine is, or local to where I purchased the machine. Sending the machine back to another country for warranty repairs would be super annoying, and it is conceivable the distributor could say "you didn't buy it from me" and deny warranty - so I thought I'd ask about it to clarify. Thanks!


  • Hej Damian

    In case of any warranty claim in the future, we will sort it out. The warranty isn't fixed to the certain spot or person, it's connected to the machine, even when you would sell the machine the warranty will follow the machine through the serial number.

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