Which model

Good day   I find your videos and FAQs helpful but I am a bit confused on a couple of things

First, can I sharpen my kitchen knives on the T4 or T8 models, or should I use he culinary sharpener model?

Also, well, I can rationalize a Tormek because I would want to use it for woodworking chisels, planers, kitchen knives AND garden tools. I do have two 220 v outlets in my work area so that isn't a problem, but I won'tbe running this thing constantly - maybe 30 minutes over a, say, 2 week period No wood turning at this point!

Greg Eckert


  • Hej Greg

    For your demand I personally woud opt for a T-8. You have wide variety of tools you want to sharpen, The costs, even running costs, are at the end lower, even if the T-4 i scheaper. The T-8 comes already with some of the jigs you need which you have to purchase separately to the T-4.
    You can grow with your demand and add easily different jigs to your T-8. With either the T-4 and T-8 you can sharpen all your cutting tools, also of course your kitchen knifes.
    The wet sharpening models give you a wide range of accessories..
    The T-2 or T-1 is only for kitchen knifes.

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