Water everywhere

When i use long knifes the water runs on the knife and drops left and right of the machine.
i bought your rubber matte RM533 but there is a lot of Water on the RB180. The problem gets worse when i use the Diamond Wheel. what am i making wrong ?
Thanks for help

Stefan Raupp


  • Hej Stefan

    One of the reasons can be that you overfill the water trough, fill it max to the edge on the inside the trough when the sharpening wheel is in the water, otherwise it will overflow on the inside.
    Keep the wheel just a bit in the water that it takes some water on the wheel, keep the water trough lower. When you lift the water trough to high, the gap on the side is very small and the water runns over it and out instead of bak into the trough. The viskosity with the AC-150 is slightly higher when add it to the water.
    You can use the water shoot on the side of the water trough and the tilt the machine slightly by place something under the machine on the leather wheel side lift the machine 1-2 cm.

  • Thank you Wolfgang for the Tips. I'll try this. I also ordered a 3D Printed Third Party Product wich will help to get the water back where it belongs.

  • Hej Stefan,
    and fill just water into the trough that the whell tuches the surface, this limits the the water on the surface too.


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