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Tormek LA-220 Leather honing wheel fitting at T8

Hello, I bought a Tomek T8 Custom with a diamond wheel and the LA 120 profiled leather honing wheel. My question is, can I now also fit the LA220 leather honing wheel (together with the LA120)? Will the drive still work then?

Thank you very much.
Werner Lindermeir


  • Hej Werner

    Yes, you can chose between the LA-220 and the CW-220 as Honing Wheel. You mount the Honing Wheel on the machine and instead to lock it on with the black big screw you mount the LA-120 on the shaft and lock all together with the black screw on the outer side of the machine, the shaft of the LA-120. You can even add second LA-120 with the additional set of profiled honing wheels LA-124 (different measurements) in between. The main shaft can cope with that extra extension. ( here you see how it is mounted)

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