kj-45 - fejl i konstruktionen

Jeg har købt flere eksemplarer af kj-45.
Dejligt med centreringen, men der er desværre andre problemer, så jeg oplever at jiggen ikke er helt gennemtænkt.

Jeg googlede for at se, om andre oplever de samme problemer og evt havde lavet en modifikation af jiggen.

jeg fandt denne video på youtube, der beskriver nøjagtigt, hvad jeg oplever.
Hvad tænker I om det - og er det noget I vil ændre på,


Som minimum tilbyde/ændre på den sorte skrue.

de venligste hilsner fra en gammel tormek-fan



  • Hej Mette
    Great to reach out to us.
    I'm in contact with Dan from Exact Blade.
    All his info is based on perception and not based on facts. Sometimes is good to ask the manufacturer first.
    I'll copy you a link below that shows that is possible without hitting the knob and the threaded part of the Universalsupport.
    In case that you have a blade that isn't possible to sharpen with the KJ-45, there is an easy solution, I havn't come across that need in all the 2 last years either during my sharpenings or from customers, you can use a screw with no knob, a grub srew.
    Regarding the "plastic", there is no worries this is a composite material - otherwise the old one with the black knob would deform, this was plastic, but happened never during the last decenniers, due the fact it reaches never these temperatures.
    This jigg solved many "problems" or needs from customers.
    The jig is never exposed to that force to bend it, then you use absolute to much pressure during sharpening.
    I hope this film explains it how to avoid the contact with the Universal support, due the wrong movement during the bend shape of the blade. This is one of the most mistakes many do, cause it's the "natural" given movement, lifting is the secret in general as we show also in our instruction films on YouTube.

    More instruction films: See the Live sharpening classes

    I hope I could answer your question.
    Let me know if you have any thoughts or question on support@tormek.se

    I wish you a great summer!

  • Hi Wolfgang

    Thanks for a good answer and for an instructive video with a clear explanation and good pictures. It makes sense and I understand that the jig is not constructed incorrectly. The problem is me. It is clearly that I don't lift enough, but swing instead. I have to practise 💪🤗
  • Hi Wolfgang
    Thanks for a good answer and for an instructive video with clear explanation and good pictures. It makes sense and I understand that problem is “me”, and not a bad constructed jig.. The problem is clearly that I don't lift enough, but swing instead. I have to practise. 💪🤗
  • Hej Mette

    Great to hear that it works for you, often are the little details the reason to succeed  😅
    Wish you a great summer and sharp tools!

  • Hej Wolfgang
    I have seen your videos with the jig but still have a problem getting the grind to be evenly spaced all the way. Probably due to me not placing the jig correctly on the knife. It seems that a small inaccuracy has a big impact. It would be good if there was a drawing showing the possibilities of different knives - do you have one?

  • Hej Mette

    have you seen this one?
    It's very difficult to say where exactly to place the jig at the blade, just a main help is the more they are bend the more you have to clamp closer to the curved tip. The most "difficult" to learn is how much shall i lift the blade or the combined movement forward. It's different for every knife. A good control is to mark the edge with the Edge Marker and to take only one stroke and see where you remove the colour of the edge.

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