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Issue during hand planner sharpening - not square

I’m a beginner with the T-4 ; used for not more than 4/5 hours so far.
The results have been terrific with knife blades.
I’m facing though an issue with planer blade sharpening.
The sharpening isn’t square, and I don’t understand how to solve my problem. See the picture where we notice that the sharpened area isn’t square.
I put a light pressure during sharpening, homogeneous for the entire blade.
Can you please help?

Olivier J.


  • Hi.
    There can be several factors that cause this. Mostly it is an alignment issue.
    Start by making sure the universal support is parallel to the stone surface.
    When setting the Universal Support, use the Micro Adjust and apply a slight downward pressure with your indexfinger directly above the Micro Adjust prior to locking the Universal Support.
    Using this technique when setting the edge angle for the SE-77 jig will eliminate the influence of the play in the sleeves.
    To achieve a perfect 90 º angle the Universal Support needs to be parallel to the grindstone.

    When the stone and universal support is perfectly parallel you can mount the blade in the jig.
    Place the blade against the shoulder in the jig. The side of the blade that sits against the shoulder is the guide to how the blade aligns in the jig. Make sure this surface is straight. If there is any damage or unevenness on the blade you can straighten it on the outside of the stone.

    When you lock the blade in the jig, make sure you move the slotted knob as close to the blade as possible. The blade should be positioned in the middle between the locking screws. Tighten the knobs evenly with the fixing plate parallel to the jig body. Do not over tight the knobs.

    You can use an L-SQUARE to align the chisel/plane blade against the stone.
    Do not pay too much attention to the lines on the jig. They are just there as a starting point.
    Adjust the alignment with the two adjustment knobs on the jig. When the blade is aligned to the stone, tighten the adjustment screws just enough so there is no play in the jig.
    This will ensure a perfect alignment with the SE-77.

    When you sharpen do not bend the blade against the stone. Just push on the blade with your fingertips. Move evenly over the stone. When you go out over the edge on the stone, make sure you go the same length and time on both sides. If you still get a canted edge, you can spend little more time on the high/long side to get it square again.

    Good luck.

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