Do the dimond wheels get clogged.

I have a T8 with a coarse dimond wheel. Im trying change the angle of my bevels on my woodturning chisels and it seems to be taking ages. Do the dimond wheels get clogged up with filings? I always use water with them. If so whats the best way to get them back to full cutting capacity?


  • Hej Meyrick

    Just remember that it will take a bit longer compared when reshape them on a bench grinder.
    It's not only the grid of the stone even the speed has a impact.
    You can clean a clocked Diamond Wheel easily by using a soft brush (no metal) or a rubber block that you use on ohther grindings wheels.
    When sharpeing on a Diamond Wheel use very little pressure that keeps your Diamond Wheel longer sharp and in good condition.
    When you have to reshape wood turning tools, especially chisels we recommend also to preshape them (the most material removing part) with the BGM-100 Bench Grinder Mounting Set

  • Thank you. Just wanted to check.  I've had it since they came out for the T8. I have the grinder setup too just don't like getting the tool hot on it. Many thanks I will try the rubber block.

  • Hej Meyrick

    If you be careful on the bench grinder the damage will be less harmful when you take a few rounds and let the tool cool inbetween (not cooling by water!) The finish is then done on a Tormek. You'll may resharp the tool for the next 0,5-1mm more often but then you have the "good" steel again.
  • Thank you. Why not water? Will that affect the hardness of the tool?
  • Hej Mayrick

    yes, you'll get micro cracks in the steel.

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