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Why do I need to hone my tool after sharpening?

You say often that honing is a very important part in getting a really sharp edge. Why is that?


  • When sharpening, you will notice a burr (or wire edge) develop on the upper side of the edge. This need to be removed to get a real sharp edge. You do this on the Tormek machine with the leather honing wheel combined with honing compound for a nice finish.

    (If you do not remove the burr, it will break off as soon as you start using the tool, leaving you with a blunt, torn edge.)

    Tormek Support
  • Are there any plans of making the composite honing wheel to fit a Tormek T-4?
  • Hi Mindy,

    We don't have any plans to make a composite honing wheel for the T-4 model in the near future.

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