Thumping noise

On my new T8, there is a thumping sound near the drive wheel when I apply a heavy force.  I have used the machine longer than 10 minutes so this should not be caused by drive wheel imprint. The thumping goes away as soon as I apply less force.  

Does the thumping sound  just indicate I am pushing too hard on the grinding wheel?
Stephen Burns


  • Hi.
    The T-8 is not that sensitive regarding the imprint from the motor shaft. It should not make any thumping sound for mor than a few revolutions on the stone when the machine is new. Any imprints on the drive wheel rubber friction ring will disappear after a short time when you put pressure on the machine and get some heat into the rubber. If you still have a sound after 10 min of use, there can be something else that cause the problem. Can you please send us a video of the sound to
    Thank you.

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