Tormek T-8 use

I ned to sharpen 300 blades each run (12 /15 cm each) , does this machine is good for this use or maybeis only for hoppy purposes?
Thank you


  • Hej Maserin

    Kan you sent a picture to to my hands.
  • Ciao Wolfgang, it's not a specific knife so no pics to send you.
    I only need to know if this machine is able to sharpen different knives (outdoor knives/kitchen knives) in large quantity as 100 or 200 pcs each time, or at contrary,this is used only for hobbyist purposes...
    I've connection with cutleries and I want to develop a extra good sharpening system for "specials" customised products. So I need to know if I've to sharp 200 or more blades this machine could be good.
  • Hej Maserin
    Our machine is use proffesionally as from semi hobbyists and hobbyists.
    We have knife manufacturers as sharpening services who sharpen their knives on a Tormek.
    The question is more, do you need a speedy system? There is the main problem, the heat developed in the edge. A watercooled system is always slower but the result is outstanding and not comparable. This is the way you have to decide.
    To speed up the process, you could sharpen on a wet belt first, just tho speed up the process when you have damaged knives and then finish an give the sharpnes on the Tormek. Normal used knives are not an issue, you can sharpen directly on a Tormek.
    I hope this answers your question.
    stay sharp!
  • Yes this is graeat, thank you for answering all is clear as I supposed.

    Only one last question, you wrote "used knives are not an issue" but what about for new knives coming out from grinding machine? Can I make first sharpening on a new knives?
    My idea is to offer a special sharpening service for special customers, to make difference with the standard sharpening that workers make on the wheel stones (without water),whatfo you think?

  • ABsolutley, that makes a big difference.
    Perfect to finish the "sharp" new knife to a razor sharp knife, there is no better way than the Tormek way ;-)
    Many of the knife makers do it exactly this way.

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