size of wheel

I bought tormek t2, and If I want to buy more finer wheels for T2, DE-200 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine and SJ-200 Japanese Waterstone will fit for T2?

My original whell is DWF 200 (600grits), I would like to get 1200 grits and 4000 grits but I am not sure which one is right one. 

Jinho An


  • Hello,

    For Tormek T-2 it is DWE-200 that has 1200, our japanese waterstone SJ-200 , can not be used on Tormek-T-2.

    Johan Englund
  • I got little confused, you mean both DWE-200 and SJ-200 can not be used on Tormek T-2?
    Jinho An
  • Hello,

    DWE-200 is for Tormek T-2, SJ-200 is not for Tormek T-2 it is for Tormek T-4.

    Johan Englund

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