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sharpening a chissel does not give a straight

I am having trouble sharping chissels. For some reason it is not sharpening in a straight line over the chissels. I checked de wheel beeing flat and truning it does not solve te problem.
My chissels are 90 degrees in the jig en the adjustment nobbes are in the middle.

Still i get the result as shown in the attachement.
Could you help me with some tips?
Tom van den Bergh


  • Hej Tom

    It can have many reasons, but when i look on the first pic, it seem it was in a wrong angle before? The right side is higher, this will be grind off first of course. But it can be also the angle of the picture taken that tricks me...
    Some chisels are not symmetrical and the mirror side is not in a good condition. I would grind and polish the mirror side, this give you the both references you need to get a straight 90 degree angle on your chisel - perfectly aligned to the right side in the jig and perfectly flat on the top side.
    Sometimes the line on the jig has to be adjusted a bit below or above the other line to generates a perfect 90 degree angle.
    Another tip is to check if the chisel is perfectly mounted in relation to the surface; slide the chisel in the jig beside the stone and align the side of the chisel with the stones side, is it parallell than it's fine otherwise you have to adjust with the small knobs. (the Universal support must be perfectly parallell to the stone surface, press also on the side of the fine adjustment before locking the Universalsuport on this side than on the outer side - this guarantees that the Universalsupport is parallel mounted not off due the tolerances in the sleeves.
    Here also two films from YouTube that explains it perfectly with some more tips.

    stay sharp!

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