SE-77 Square Edge Jig

I recently got a T-8 with diamond wheels.   I went this way to be able to do flat grinds on my woodworking chisels and plane blades.    

Generally it is going well, but I have noticed that even though the SE-77 is set with the marks aligned, I am not getting square grinds. See attached photos.

I have tried adjusting the screws (#5 in diagram), but have to move it a lot to get it to be square to the diamond wheel.


Bob Hinden


  • Hej Bob

    Sorry for the late replay, I'm traveling qiute extensive the last months and couldn't logg in the the FAQ.

    Please check:
    is the universal support parallell aligned to the stones surface?
    Is the chissel perfectly aligned on the side and the mirror side perfectly flat on the upper side in the jig? You can check this when the chissel is in the jigg with a square.
    Do you use a lot of pressure when sharpening?
    Is the chissel itself perfectly symetrical?
    Is the mirror side perfectly flat? One side is rounded this is a indicator of a not perfectly shaped chissel, to much pressure when moving sidewise.
    The two screws are the solution.
    Just remember to get the chissel stright, you need to sharpen the longer edge away and not aligning the edge stright to a 90 degree line on the surface.
    You can also check if the chissel is clamped right in that way that you check it on the stone's outside, move the chissel in the jigg to the side and aligne it with its side to the side of the wheels outside. This should aligned perfectly.

    I hope I could help you with your question.


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