knife sharpening

I ground a recurve in my kitchen knife, what am i doing wrong?

Jan Baauw


  • Hi Jan,
    Thank you for your question. The reason this happens is the most often that you spend a bit too much time on that spot compared to the rest of the knife when you prepare for a new pass. When you try to repair it you probably spend even more time on the same spot which just make the issue worse. What you need to do is to make the knife straight again. The easiest is often to do that on the outside of the stone.
  • Hi Sébastien,
    Thanks for your fast reply. I will look out for that.
    Can this to much time thing be related to back and forth passes?

    Jan Baauw
  • It depends on your movement, it can be a solution to only do single passes but the same thing will happen if you spend to much time on one spot. I often recommend people that have the problem to “speed up” the movement when you turn. That way you avoid overgrinding a particular part of the knife.
  • Thanks

    I appreciate your commitment
    Jan Baauw

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