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Is it normal to hear a thump from the drive wheel?

Is it normal to hear a thump from the drive wheel on my Tormek machine?


  • Hi Chris,
    Thank you for your question.

    If you hear or feel a thump when you start the machine it is probably a temporary imprint from the motor shaft on the rubber drive wheel.

    All our machines are designed with a unique Tormek drive system. The motor is mounted on a swing shaft to allow the motor to move during operation and it rest with a low pressure on the rubber drive wheel. The pressure increases automatically when torque is needed.

    If the machine is not used for some time the motor shaft will leave an imprint on the rubber wheel. This is nothing to worry about and will not affect the sharpening. The imprint will disappear after 5-10 min of use.

    Stay sharp!
    / Frida

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