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I'm looking for a part number for the Tormek 2000 Drive Wheel

I found this post but I was unable to find confirmation that the T-7 is equal to the Tormek 2000.

Is this true? I don't see a T-7 replacement drivewheel stocked on replacement list.
I'm assuming the T-7, T-8 and the Tormek-2000 share a grinding wheel of 250 mm (9 7/8")???

In that case is the replacement part I'm looking for the ```R-23 Drive Wheel with Rubber Ring T-8```


  • Hi Kay.

    Today the S-2000, T-7 and T-8 use the same drive wheel. The old plastic wheel that came with the S-2000 are no longer available.
    Part no: R-23. You will get a new nut to use between the drive wheel and honing wheel.
    Apart for the new nut it is a bolt on replacement. No modifications needed.

    Have a nice day.


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