Grinding wheels

I have an older Tormek 2000 with an SG- 250 wheel that I use primarily for sharpening chisels and plane blades. After grinding I do not use the buffer but go to water stones for final polishing.
I am pleased with the machine but find that it takes an extremely long time to remove metal.
I am considering getting a diamond stone to replace the original. Based upon this information, would you recommend the DC 250 coarse or the DF 250 fine wheel?
Thank you
Vincent Adams


  • Hi Vincent,

    I hope you have used the Truing Tool TT-50 and Stone Grader SP-650 on your old SG-250 stone. This will help you to re-activate the stone to remove material quicker.

    If this doesn't work I recommend you the DC-250 coarse if you continue to use water stones for final polishing.


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