I purchased my T4 on 22 september 2022 and filled in the online registration form. It was said at the shop (W.Vanhoutte-Belgium), that registering before the end of October would give me the right for max.three new grindingstones 220 when proof was sent to Tormek that they were used.
Do I get a certificate or token for that?
Thank you very much,
PS.The T4 is a magnificent tool!

Urbain UREEL


  • Hi Urbain,

    Thank you for your message and congratulations for your purchase. I’m sure it will serve you many years to come. I have seen your registration on our website and everything is correct. You will get a certificate mailed out to you at the end of October. I’m glad you already appreciate your new companion the T-4😊

    Stay Sharp / Sebastien
  • Hello
    Until when did this campaign run i bought a t4 in november?
    Kind regards
    Dietger Herregodts
  • Hi Dietger, The campaign ran during September-22. So unfortunately the campaign time is over.
  • I purchased mine for the school in september. I have been arguing with procurement for the details to register it. Unfortuantly i have only just managed to register the t-8 for warrenty does this mean i have missed out on the stones?
  • Hi Shona, Please send an e-mail to and I will try to help you out.

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