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Do you have a recommendation on the type of water to use?

Put another way, is there any reason not to use any of the following:
1. Distilled water
2. Softened water (I have an installed water softener)
3. Hard water from tap.
james serles


  • Hej James

    Gernerally you can use any type of water.
    To hard water may clock the sharpening stones after awhile especially when you have a warm climate or dry air from an AC. This will evaporate the water in a higher rate and the lime will start to clock the stone and make the surface less effective. I have discovered this in e.g. Italy where the SB-250 Blackstone Silicone was quitewhite due the lime that coated the stone. In this case, when you have hard water, I would choose to use the softened water or the use of partly distilled water or just cook the water and cool the water before use.


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